How to Make a Gift
Michigan Engineering Online Giving
For information on how to make a cash transfer by wire, call Gift and Records Administration at 1-888-518-7888 or email [email protected].
Payable to the University of Michigan. Write the name of the fund your gift will support in the memo line.
Mail to:
University of Michigan College of Engineering
1221 Beal Avenue Suite G264
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to avoid capital gains taxes while also receiving a tax deduction for your gift.
For more information, see our Securities site or contact the Gift and Records Administration Securities Team at 1-877-647-9090 or [email protected].
Matching Gifts
You can increase your gift to U-M by making use of your company’s matching gift program. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, complete and sign it, and send it in with your gift. We will do the rest. The impact of your gift to U-M may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
Learn more at Matching Gifts or email us at [email protected]
Federal Tax ID Number
Your gift may provide you with federal and state income tax benefits. Your state may also allow a credit or deduction. The University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax exempt status; our federal tax ID number is 38-6006309. As always, you should consult a qualified tax professional for tax advice.
Payroll Deduction
U-M faculty and staff can make gifts through payroll deduction in Wolverine Access.
Navigation path: Wolverine Access/Employee Service/Payroll & Compensation/Voluntary Deductions

Corporate Giving
Providing scholarship support to undergraduate engineering students is an excellent way for companies to connect with high-achieving future employees. Discuss establishing a scholarship or fellowship by contacting Corporate and Foundation Relations Director Theresa Lempka at (734) 647-7080 or [email protected].

Speak with Our Development Staff
If you would like to speak with someone about making your gift, please contact the Office of Advancement at (734) 647-7040.
Contact Us
Office of Advancement
The Office of Advancement furthers the mission, values and educational objectives of the College of Engineering by engaging the alumni and donor community and encouraging lifelong investment in support of the College’s people, programs and environments.

Christine Muchanic
Senior Director, Research Relations
(734) 647-1644
[email protected]
Corporate and foundation giving

December Therrien
Director of Operations
(734) 647-7042
[email protected]
Gift processing; reporting;
administrative support

Hannah McKenley
Director of Alumni Relations
(734) 936-0948
[email protected]
Alumni relations; events; programs

Melanie Zauel
Senior Director of Advancement
(734) 647-7093
[email protected]
Annual giving; stewardship