Departments & programs

Our top ranked departments and programs are home to world-class facilities and instructors. Each is unique but they all intersect. Find your fit and pursue your passion.

Engineering is at the forefront of human progress and problem solving. And the challenges we’re tackling are too complex for one discipline alone. For us, interdisciplinary collaboration comes naturally because it comes first. When specialists collaborate, breakthroughs emerge.


Undergraduate Majors


Graduate Degree Programs

Engineering departments

Satellite orbiting Earth

Aerospace Engineering

First college aeronautics program in the country.

researcher holding scientific instrument

Biomedical Engineering

Uniting top programs in medicine and engineering.

Several test tubes containing various fluids

Chemical Engineering

Engineering matter to change the world.

woman pushing a wheeled measurement device across a landfill

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Engineering in service to society.

student looking at rocket

Climate and Space Sciences & Engineering

Combining science and engineering to protect our planet.

researcher looking at computer chip

Computer Science
& Engineering

Transforming the future through the power of computing.

computer chip connected to several wires

Electrical & Computer Engineering

We are the people powering innovation.

two researchers operating machinery

Industrial & Operations Engineering

Optimizing complex systems for the common good.

Image of Sumeyra Emre working at her lab

Materials Science & Engineering

Building the materials of the future.

researcher tightening bolt with wrench

Mechanical Engineering

The engineering of everything you touch.

Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

A world leader in educating engineers for the marine environment.

researcher holding metallic cylinder

Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences

Working for a cleaner, healthier, more secure world.


Creating smart machines and inspiring others to do the same.

College-wide programs

U-M Transportation Research Institute

A global leader in transportation research, we work to advance safe, equitable, and efficient transportation and mobility.

Tauber Institute for Global Operations

A joint venture with U-M’s Ross School of Business, we empower leaders to solve operations, supply chain and technology-based challenges.

Applied Physics

A master’s degree bridge program that prepares students for interdisciplinary research in applied physics, physical sciences, and engineering. 

Engineering Education Research

We are leaders in understanding how to best educate and support engineering students. Our expert faculty are pioneers in this field. 

Macromolecular Science & Engineering

A leader in polymer science and engineering since 1968.