Facts & figures

A top-ranked engineering college

Nearly all of U-M’s 19 schools, colleges and divisions rank among the best in their fields, and Engineering is no exception. As a top-ranked engineering college, all of our graduate and undergraduate programs have a strong reputation for excellence. Michigan Engineering’s graduate and undergraduate programs rank 9th and 5th in the nation, respectively.

Overall rankings







Michigan Engineering funding

We strategically allocate our revenue to strengthen our mission, providing first-class education and research collaborations. We have established innovative funding mechanisms and promise full funding for our PhD students.



A closer look at revenue sources for FY 2024, which total $801.2M.



A closer look at Michigan Engineering’s
spending for FY 2024.

Gifts to Michigan Engineering

Private giving is essential to maintaining the Michigan Engineering standard of excellence.



Notes: Includes legal one-time gifts; gifts-in-kind; pledges (and their sub-types) by total pledged amount; and expectancies (and their sub-types) by total booked/face values.
Source: DART Data Warehouse

Endowment market value (6/30/2024): $962,777,218

Our faculty

We’re committed to engineering research and education for the common good, and our people are at the center of that commitment.



Our students

Research shows that diverse teams get better results. We’re proud to lead diversity in engineering.

Student enrollment, fall 2024BachelorsMastersDoctoral
Students Enrolled8,2832,1371,913
% Women32%24%31%
Total enrollment, percent enrollment of Underrepresented Minorities (URM), which includes Black, Hispanic, Native American, Hawaiian or two or more races with at least one of the previous included. Percent based on domestic students only.
Degrees granted, academic year 2023-2024BachelorsMastersDoctoral
Degrees Granted2,4381,498327
% Women29%26%30%
% URM10%13%12%
Total degrees granted, percent granted to Underrepresented Minorities (URM), which includes Black, Hispanic, Native American, Hawaiian or two or more races with at least one of the previous included. Percent based on domestic students only.
Entering undergraduate students, fall 2024
Total First Year Applications26,387
% Offered Admission13%
Median HS GPA for Enrolled First Year Students3.9
Median ACT for Enrolled First Year Students34
Median SAT for Enrolled First Year Students1450
Undergraduate applications, admissions and incoming GPAs and scores.
Entering graduate students, fall 2024
Total Graduate Applications14,579
% Offered Admission27%
Median GRE Quantitative*169
Median Undergraduate GPA3.7
Graduate student applications, admissions and incoming GPAs and scores. *GRE revised General Test (taken on or after August 1, 2011) measures Quantitative Reasoning on a 130-170 scale.